Mar 4, 2009

Keyboard in the Ignition

Of course I'm an excellent driver. No money to fix or legally operate my car, but I'm leading the race in fantasy NASCAR!! But don't worry, I'll make a pit stop to tell yall about my high-motor experiences.

See I was racing and then people need to stop complaining about freedom and exercise it, like police do when they arrest me, or like the secret police do spying on the regular police, or like a bill collector trying to impale me on a checkered flag.

And then this one guy misses pit road and blames it on the government!! You believe that?! Who does he mean anyway?? Damn near everybody governs somehow sometimes, like this homeless dude I saw telling a cop-on-a-horse to buzz off. Or maybe he was talking to the flies swarming around the horse, or his head, or in my helmet. Either way, governance...government.

I smell like burnt rubber, not money. Ask Rolf.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about the Mantis but as I was shoveling small brown river rock into my neighbor's wide open orifices, I came to the realization that "rubbin's racin'"...and The Mantis rubs his hind legs together quicker than any grasshopper, cricket, or catydid I've ever met...and the resulting sound is musical.
