Mar 1, 2009

The Start of Many

Well, Well, Well it has begun. Finally a place where I can express my passions, my dreams, and also my love of French Agrarian architecture. It is 1:00 pm now and I still cannot stay awake, so I am fitting in nicely to the unemployment way of life. I am noticing more people like me now on the street and out and about. I am feeling a sudden connection with the "unemployed"(a very rude way the educated people call us). I even found the urge to empty out my trashcan and light it ablaze to keep warm, but I decided not to because I am so warm in my fully heated home. I am thinking about going to my nearest soup kitchen and joining my com padres in a nice meal. But the thing that is keeping me from going is that I am so full from my hearty breakfast and plus I am not really interested on sipping a warm bowl of urine. I mean when I volunteered at the soup kitchen when I was younger I used to urine in a bowl and serve it to those miscreants. Well as I am getting used to this new way of life I will leave you with a saying from the famous Ray Parker Jr. when he said " Bustin' makes me feel good."

1 comment:

  1. Since there are no jobs to be had (excluding jobs at mcdonalds...but you can't speak my guess is you are out, but your wife could work there and u could do her job) you should start volunteering at the soup kitchen. Then you could take home urine free leftovers and spend less money on groceries. While you are down there, do some "networking" find out what intersections are good for a couple bucks. Get a really nice piece of plywood, paint some stupid woe is me saying on it, and walk down to the corner. You can overtake the vagrant because he only has a cardboard sign and a hangover. You, you have a plywood sign and a huge truck. You could make more money working there than the $7.51/hr job the government wants you to take. You could maybe even sell newspapers on Sunday! And all the while, working on a killer tan. This is the best idea ever, I have to go put in my two weeks notice, meet ya down by I-10 and scenic hwy at 8 tomorrow.
