Mar 2, 2009

When Hell Comes to Frogtown!

As I pulled into Frogtown, Florida today, I was greeted by a plethora of these strange warning signs. What was even more strange were the citizens. Why were they naked or dressed in old suits and dresses? Why were they dirty and/or bleeding? Why were some missing limbs and vital organs? Why were they biting one another? I decided to stop and investigate the "happenings". I rolled-up on a chap who seemed pre-occupied with some lady who was taking a nap on the side-walk. I asked the fellow his name and he grunted at me! I think he was drunk because as he shambled to the car, he stumbled a bit and then vomited blood on my hood! He tried to open the door of my car so I cracked the window and asked directions to the nearest gas station! I was running very low on gas and really didn't want to get stranded here...(It seemed to be the bad side of town!) It was then I realized the problem.... THEY WERE RUDE AND DIDN'T SEEM TO LIKE OUTSIDERS! I pulled forward and I think ran over his foot. He didn't seem to mind so I kept going. They don't have strict jay-walking laws in this town because it seemed the entire town was milling around in the street. They wouldn't move so I had to, more-or-less, slalom between the citizens taking care not to hit any of them. They must of had some street-party that got out of hand because there were police cars and buildings on fire. "What a bunch of drunks", I thought to myself. "It's 10:00am and these people are hammered! It will be a cold-day in Hell before I ever come back to this shit-hole!"

1 comment:

  1. THOSE ARE ZOMBIES!!!!! Don't you know anything?????!!!!! Get out of there and never go back!!!!! (I am now running in the opposite direction with arms flailing screaming like an adolescent girl )
    --Delos J. Adventure
